Parts Barcoding

Accurate parts inventory made easier.

Checking in your parts order in the morning feels like it takes forever. If it’s a big order, it could be 10:00 before everything is put away; and at that point, you have a line of techs waiting on parts. That doesn’t account for tagging special orders and notifying customers they are in. If anything is short, you have another mess to clean up. It can be daunting when the efficiency of the entire department feels like it falls on your shoulders.

Parts Barcoding facilitates a more efficient inventory management process, decreasing the time it takes to receipt parts while significantly improving the accuracy of your inventory. Using a wireless scanner for electronic posting and receipting, you can manage orders, physical and perpetual inventories, and update your parts inventory automatically.

Benefits of Parts Barcoding

Dealership employee using barcode scanner to scan a part.
  • Transparent
    View real-time postings for receipted parts and bin changes.
  • Trackable
    Retain up to 18 months of history and transactions resulting in easier research and virtually eliminating the need to sift through paper.
  • Efficient
    Reduce the time needed to conduct physical and perpetual inventories by 50% or more, all while improving accuracy.
  • Seamless
    Update your inventory automatically when a part is scanned, eliminating the need to rekey information.
  • Real Time
    Notify customers and techs when a special order part is in with immediate emails and alerts.

Parts Barcoding Scanner Screen

Anyone can pick up a scanner and start scanning without knowing specific order or shipper information.

Parts Barcoding scanner screen.

Parts Inquiry Screen

Parts receipting from the scanner updates the parts inventory immediately upon scanning.

Parts Barcoding parts inquiry screen.

Related Resources

Parts Barcoding Study

parts Barcoding survey cover.
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